About Alice

Your life is your message.

An opportunity came into my life. It was unconventional, I was afraid of failing, of not being pretty enough, of the opinions of my co-workers and family. Then my friend and recruiter shared her belief in me. She complimented me and her words gave me the confidence to say YES.

I had never sold anything before. I had never run my own business. Mary Kay Cosmetics had a history of success and I followed the path. My husband, Bill, pushed me along with a tower of inventory, to host my first Mary Kay party, to be visible and do the work.

It was 1996, during the hour long drive home from my full time job. In that moment, I realized that I was not giving my best to my highest priorities, that they got the leftovers, the crumbs of my physical and mental energy.

I was two years out of college and five years as a wife and mom to Hannah, Jacob and Isabelle, ages five, two, and one.

If I had made the choices to be in this place, I could make new choices to go a different direction.

March 1997- Isabelle's 1st Birthday with Hannah and Jacob
February 2019- My Bill

That was the first of MANY decisions to upgrade myself, to love myself, to do the work to become a better version of myself.

I believe how you live your life is how you live a business.

Thanksgiving 2019

Five years into growing my team and business we earned our first Pink Cadillac. My kids were eleven, eight, and six. Bill had taken a job traveling 3-4 days a week. My Mary Kay team has reached over 100 members. I set new business goals and then realized how I got here wouldn’t get me there, to the next goal.

Want a different result? You must do something different. Diet Coke was the fuel I had basically lived on since I was 15. In 2003, I left Diet Coke behind. It was a pivot and new decision. My nutrition was the fuel for my life AND my business.

April 2021 - Grammy and Haven